Monday 3 February 2020

Columbia University library link Anatomy of silence


Anatomy of silence

Baby Rani Karmakar
Dhaka : Gatidhara February 2016

  • TC Wilson Library   Ames   PR9420.9.K27 A53 2016  
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    Karmakar, Baby Rani. Anatomy of Silence. Dhaka: Gatidhara, 2016.
      Princton University library link:
Karmakar, Baby Rani. Bubbles of psyche / Baby Rani Karmakar. Dhaka : Academic Press and Publishers Library, 2005.
     62 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
     MLCM 2006/00417 (P) PR9420.9.K
     ISBN: 984080202X

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Karmakar, Baby Rani.
Dhaka : Academic Press and Publishers Library, 2005.
MLCM 2006/00417 (P) FT MEADE
Request in Jefferson or Adams Building Reading Rooms - STORED OFFSITE

Karmakar, Baby Rani
Dhaka : Gatidhara, February 2016.
Dhaka : Distributed by Boipatro
AvailableOffsite PR9420.9.K27 A53 2016g
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Karmakar, B. (2016). Anatomy of silence. Dhaka: Gatidhara.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Green Hilsha with papaya 15 minutes

Green Hilsha


1 1 kilo Hilsha fish cut into 6-7 pieces
black paper - 6-7
green chili- 3 ( it gentle hot)
bay leaves-3
cumin seeds- 1 tablespoon
salt 2 teaspoon
green papaya 1/2- long pieces
carrot 1- long slices
fresh turmeric- 1-inch piece
ginger - 1-inch piece
vegetable oil- 1 tablespoon
2 cups of water

in the mixture- blend all the spices and garnish the pieces of fish.
in a pan pour oil and place the slices of Hilsha fish one after one and then pour the blended spices and put all the slices of vegetable. Heal for 5 mins. Stir it slowly so that all the fish and vegetables get a touch of the spices.
Pour 2 cups of water. Half cover the pan with a lid and boil for 10 minutes.
If you like spread chopped coriander on it before getting it off the burner.
Those who like hot, use a red chili while blending all the spices.

you don't need need to stay in the kitchen. Just count the time and come back for enjoying your dish with basmati rice.

mutton in yogurt


1 kg mutton
100-gram ginger
50-gram fresh turmeric
200-gram onion
50 gran garlic
cumin 100 gram
4 bay leaves
4 cloves
4 black pepper
5 green chili
1 red chili
cinnamon- 3 sticks medium sizes
yogurt- 2 cups
cumin 100 gram
1 teaspoon- brown sugar
oil-1 cup
Yogurt- 2 cups


blend all the spices and keep in a bowl

put oil in a pan and stir all the chopped onion until caramelized a little.

Pour the mutton and all blended spices in it and stir and mix well. Stir for 5-7 minutes.
Cover it with a lid.
cook it for half an hour and check so that it is not stuck at the pan.
Pour all the yogurt and cook in slow and sometimes medium heat.
when the mutton is cooked mix melted sugar and stir and serve in a dish.
You may add raisins and cardamom and cashew nut paste with the mutton.

Thursday 3 August 2017

moving to infinity

What a life these days!
The light, colour, sound, taste- all chasing me to an increasing world of illumination.
I am moving in joy, in self exploration,deeper and deeper.
This is such a magic  trails of moments that blow me with pain and glory both together, one after another, a parade with all differences so entangled.

I am travelling in a time that is so powerful, so affluent!
What a connoisseur of senses and perceptions I am turning to be.

I am a true child of time, a time of all times, a time that moves so fast in complete suspension, giving me a feeling of being in true self.

It makes me the most in myself.
It makes me so contended and so dissatisfied.

Images, forms, figure, rhythms, rhythms...I am in the constellation.

What a world! there is no yesterday, no today, no tomorrow! All is just a moment; of infinity.